The BSP permit: the key to become a security guard

In this article, we will detail the importance of the BSP permit to become a security agent in Quebec.
As we all know, the job of a security guard is a job that involves a lot of responsibilities and that requires rigor and discipline from all its workers.
To be able to access this profession in Quebec, it is almost mandatory to have a BSP permit.
A little history: The creation and evolution of the PSA, Private Security Act
The PSA, Private Security Act, has a rich history from its creation to today. To better understand its usefulness, let’s go back over the key dates of
this law:
- 1962: Revision of the law on investigation or security agencies by the LSP (Loi sur la sécurité privée)
- 1996: Creation of an advisory committee to examine the links between private and public security, to review the competencies and skills related to the rank of security agents in the private sector and finally to raise the level of integrity and professionalism of the private security industry in Quebec.
- 2003: Tabling of the White Paper at the National Assembly, allowing to act a partnership in the interior and private security.
- 2004: Following disagreements concerning the White Paper by various stakeholders to the latter, 5 sector committees were established, whose duty was to propose solutions concerning training, ethics, regulation of the industry, identification of stakeholders and financing of the reform.
- 2006: The LSP is passed by the National Assembly
- 2010: Full implementation of the LSP: Security Law.
What is the purpose of the BSP?
So what is the purpose of the BSP? What is its primary mission?
As you may have guessed, the role of the BSP (Bureau de la sécurité privée) is to ensure public safety by making sure that the LSP (Loi de la sécurité privée) is respected and to issue security agent permits.
Finally, the PSB ensures that:
- Any individual engaged in private security activities in Quebec, or a company engaged in private security activities holds the necessary permits.
- Only those individuals and companies that meet the criteria for licensing are licensed.
- Licensees will meet their obligations for the duration of the license.
The framework of this industry is designed to give private security companies peace of mind and confidence in the private security companies they work with.
Thus, by holding a BSP license, you can work in these 6 different sectors
- Guarding
- Investigation
- Activities related to the practice of locksmithing
- Activities related to electronic security systems
- Conveying valuable goods
- Security consulting services
See the BSP website.
How to obtain a BSP permit
To obtain a BSP permit in order to become a security agent, you just have to register on the BSP website here, and fill in the application form according to your objectives.
You will have the choice between :
- Regular agent
- Temporary agent
- Agency
To have more information concerning the conditions to be fulfilled in order to obtain a BSP, we strongly encourage you once again to visit the BSP Quebec website.
Finally, at XGuard, we offer you a training program certified by the Bureau de la sécurité privé (BSP) and recognized by the Ministère de la Sécurité, offering you a dedicated supervision by our recruitment services and a job opportunity with us!
The training is done entirely online allowing you to go at your own pace and put you in the best possible conditions to acquire all the necessary skills to become an agent.
For more information about the XGuard Academy, visit our website by following this link!
See you soon at XGuard!